The Story…

In a dystopian world where immortality has been achieved, Marvelous Gift explores the dark side of eternal life. The film follows different characters who, like everyone else, are cursed to age without the release of death. Amidst a backdrop of perpetual existence, where hospitals have endless queues and birthdays lose their joy, the narrative delves into the psychological and societal impacts of a never-ending life. A constant, sarcastically upbeat radio broadcast serves as a stark contrast to the weariness and despair of the characters, highlighting the irony of an existence where the traditional escape of death is no longer an option. This film paints a poignant picture of the unintended consequences of humanity's age-old desire for immortality.

The production of “Marvelous Gift” was made possible thanks to the funding and support received through the Spark Animation Fellowship, offered by LatinX in Animation and LALIFF. This crucial support allowed to bring this vision to life, highlighting the fellowship’s role in fostering diverse voices in the animation industry.